Top 10 Greatest Expressions of Love

Spread the Love. What could be the greatest act of Love to show someone else? (Happy Valentines Day! )
The Top Ten
1 Dying for Someone You Care About

But you won't be alive to tell it

2 Going to the Ends of the World to Meet Someones Need
3 Asking That Special Someone Out On a Date
4 A Romantic Kiss by the Sunset
5 Donating to the Poor
6 Breakfast In Bed
7 A Kiss On the Cheek

It just works every time. And you can use this mode of affection to anyone, elders and little kids alike.

8 A Card for That 'Special Friend'
9 Running Into Your Loved Ones Arms

I Love this one!
How isn't this list more popular?

Yes because it would make them feel amazing!

10 A Farewell Hug
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