Greatest Facts About Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

The Top Ten
1 It's a Story Driven Movie

We won't be getting some bombastic, fast-paced thrill ride or CGI. This is thick with science fact, weaved into a narrative that is strongly character based. There will be intense passages of dialogue. It's an Awards picture. A drama, this will hearken back to an era when movies took their time in telling a story.

2 The Story Includes Subjects as Time Travel, Wormholes, Parallel Dimensions
3 Christopher Nolan Incorporate His Own Ideas

He did this pretty well so far

4 It is Based on the Theories of Kip Thorne

Only the world's leading physicist in non-chronal spacetime dynamics. This is going to be a good movie.

5 Spielberg Started Work On The Project Back In 2006
6 Writers: Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan
7 It could very well turn away some of those fans who are purely about The Dark Knight, because its going to be a different kind of picture
8 The Astonishing Twist Ending
9 Superstar Cast with Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine
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