Top Ten Facts About Nintendo

Facts are the thing we all want to know more. Nintendo is a long running "video game" company, but do you know from whom Link's dress was copied? Or what Nintendo really was before being a video game company? You might not. If you are a Nintendo fan, you probably will know some of these, but for others, come on and hop into the facts. Please don't ruin this list.
The Top Ten
1 Nintendo Was Actually A Trading Card Company In 1889

Hmm interesting wonder how they went from that to video games

Yes it was, I myself was baffled by the fact.

2 Mario Was The First Character To Jump Up In A Game

Really? What good is a video game where you can't jump?

I like how he has a special jump sound effect

*jumps again*

3 Mario Was Initially Called "Jumpman"

Yeah in the Mario vs Donkey Kong arcade game He was called Jump Man

Still knew that

4 Luigi Was Created By Taking Designs From Mario And A Koopa

I mean it makes sense because he was literally green Mario

5 A Janitor Invented Game Boy
6 Mario Leaps 27 Foot Vertically
7 Nintendo Made A LEGO Ripoff Known As N&B Block

What about R&B blocks? (Sarcasm, but don't worry, I don't hate Nintendo, just joking)

8 Super Mario Kart Featured Drinking And Driving

Not drinking and driving but after the Grand Prix the characters will drink champagne

9 Nintendo DS Has More Sales Than Game Boy Or iPhones

I remember having a DS when I was like 6. It was a great system

10 Mario Was Named After Nintendo's American Warehouse Landlord Mario Segale
The Contenders
11 Link Copied His Dress From Peter Pan
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