Top 10 Facts About TheTopTens Stats On the 20th of March 2016

The Top Ten
1 "Music Artists You'd Like to Perform at the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremonies" is still the most popular list, almost 4 years after the ceremony

And yet it still is, even in 2019, 7 years later.

How is that still getting votes?

2 Number 100 in the most followed section, Beatlesboy9, has 95 followers, the most followed user, PositronWildhawk, has 526
3 Martinglez has the 68th best member score, is in 56th place for users with the most lists, has the 76th highest number of comments and the 67th most remixes
4 There are 92 users with 100 followers or more
5 30 users have more than 200 followers
6 29 lists have more than 1000 items
7 Both Batmaniscole and Valentine have 99 followers
8 46 members have more than 200 lists
9 "Best Rappers of all Time" is the most remixed list

Now it's best songs of all time. Best rappers is number 3 now (best movies is number 2).

10 Positronwildhawk (the most followed user) has 15 more followers than Britgirl (the 2nd most followed user). She has 138 more than admin (3rd most followed user)
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