Top Ten Fake Facts

The Top Ten
1 Penguins can fart.

Haha they can? Thank you. Was wondering this while boarding the train to work.
Also... Fake Facts?! Isn't that rather a contradiction in terms, hmm... ?

Hahalolz! Wow, Tina, what a coincidence that you were thinking about this!
And I'm genuinely sorry; I should've named the list 'Real Facts'!

2 Jupiter is a scam.
3 Oranges can cause hallucination.
4 Obama plays Bingo frequently with high-society snobs.
5 The Grand Canyon was split by Henry Ford.
6 Criminals suffer from asthma.

They can't? Why not? I have asthma, so if I become. E a criminal it will go away?

Why? Can't criminals suffer from asthma?

7 You are an illusion.
8 The movie 'Up' was a controversial project to promote the medicinal benefits of magma.
9 Bananas are Martians.
10 If you sms a person 'Q0hiz0%' their phone will explode instantly.
The Contenders
11 Buddha was obese
12 If you vote on this list then HezarioSeth will not see your lists and who you are
13 My butt is bigger than the moon
14 Heavy metal is the devil's music
15 Rock and roll is the devil's music
16 Vikings wore horns on their helmets
17 George Washington had wooden teeth
18 Napoleon was short
19 The Great Wall of China is the only human-made object visible from the moon
20 The color red makes bulls angry
21 Ostriches stick their heads in the sand to hide from their enemies
22 Bats are blind
23 Goldfish have a memory span of just a few seconds
24 A duck's quack does not echo
25 Sharks can't suffer from cancer
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