Top Ten Family Members You Should Respect the Most

The Top Ten
1 Mother

Why would I hates and abuses me the 2nd most only behind brother and does not respect me yet I am forced to respect her which I been doing till I found out they hate me

My mom respects me but not to the level that I was hoping for

I respect her. She just makes me ma sometimes.

Mother plus respect equals love

2 Father

You should respect your mother and father equally. I voted 'Father' though because he lets me be who I am. We have a strong bond and a mutual respect for each other.

No. He doesn't know who I am! Nobody understands me well. Except for my fiends they understand me.

My mum and father divorced, but I still love my father.

I do but his anger issues are extreme sometimes

3 Brother

OK, especially older brother. He is part of your generation, so you will spend more of your life with him than any other family member

such a good boi

4 Sister

No thanks. She's mean and bossy. I'm not respecting her. At my quince I'm kicking her out! I don't know actual,y I'm not that mean other than gossiping.

You're joking, right? I have sisters that are annoying, bossy and are tattle tales. Why should I respect them?

My sister is bossy but I can't change that.

I love my sisters and I respect them both

5 Grandma

I love my gma. She raised me since my mom ha dot go back to work. She has a lot to say and I like that. She helps me with lots kf things. I don't want to lose her. She's like a second mom to me.

She's important too, She gave birth to your mother, so you should respect your grandma.

6 Grandpa

Don't respect

7 Uncle
8 Auntie

My Tia is nice and I respect her.

9 Cousin

When my cousins were younger I had to respect them despite the fact that they were constantly terrorizing and annoying me.

Why he abuses me breaks my stuff says he didn't blames me for stuff he did because I have autism

10 Baby

Hell no. Crybaby. I am not respecting tahts little tattletale and crybaby. When she stops acting like a brat I will.

The baby is cute

The Contenders
11 Niece
12 Wife
13 Nephew
14 Husband
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