Top Ten Fear Factor Food Questions to Ask to People

The things eaten on fear factor are pretty nasty. It's a hard decision. What would you rather eat?
The Top Ten
1 Bull Testicles Or Bull Penis?
2 Cockroaches Or Maggots?
3 Scorpions Or Camel Spiders?
4 Donkey Piss Or Goat Semen?
5 Earthworms Or Tomato Hornworms?

Wow, these are extremely nasty but hornworms is my choice

6 Poop Or Pig Uterus?
7 Regular Eyeballs Or Cow Eyeballs?
8 Regular Bugs Or Chocolate Covered Bugs?
9 Pig Anus Or Pig Uterus?
10 Leeches Or Beetles?
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