Best Female Pretty Little Liars Characters

The Top Ten
1 Hanna

I love how when Alison is explaining what happened the night she disappeared Hanna decides it's the perfect time to go get cookies. She has has the best set of priorities

She has a sense of humor

She's so awesome

2 Spencer

Many bitter sweet moments with Spence! She’s truly one of a kind

Spencer is totally messed up. Yes, so she is funny and smart, but really? She had drug additions like three times, she tried to not admit it, literally accused Ezra of something he wasn't even close to doing and she was completely out of control for the majority of the series. She needs a whack in the head to get back into place, seriously

The girls wouldn't know anything about-A if it wasn't for Spencer! She figured out that Mona, Toby and Ezra were -A (even though Toby was a double agent and Ezra was just writing a book).

I used to hate Spencer because she always seemed to be extremely opinionated about everything but honestly, I now see that makes her one of the best. Troian has created a very complex character that's so interesting to watch. Probably the most badass character out there'

3 Aria

She truly had the brains and bravery to do a lot of what she did, I mean she was a great liar, which really helped and she really knew how to sneak around, which helped her when she was grounded and stuff, Aria deserves a lot more credit than she has

Artsy, smArt, best liAr, may be A in the show. She is brilliAnt if she is A And is mATure.

Just as Spencer said: "you are so tiny and I love you"

"You're little but your big " -Spencer

4 Alison

Unique and mysterious. definitely a troubled soul,but not a bad person. She has such an addictive personality,it's easy to see why people get obsessed with her!

Totally! There would be no show at all without Ali. She deserves to be number one.

She is very beautiful and mysterious

5 Emily

She developed the most throughout the seasons.

Emily is the best! Sexy, sweet, lovely, sassy and she is more fighter than other girls as alison, mona or paige.

Best development character of this show! From confused girl to a badass babe!

Come on this girl rock.

6 Mona

Mona is just brilliant! There's So many brilliant sides to her. She can be very sweet and vulnerable when she's with Mike, malicious around Alison, and funny and care free with her bestie, Hanna

I love Mona. She's very underrated

Why are Aria and Hanna before her?

7 Jenna
8 Maya
9 Melissa
10 Ella
The Contenders
11 Ashely Marin
12 Pam
13 Isabel
14 Cece/Charlotte
15 Paige

While Paige may have started out as a bit of an antagonist she has shown genuine remorse for her harmful actions, and it is her honesty and sincerity that was the main redeeming factor for her character. She may actually be the only person in Rosewood who ever takes responsibility for their actions and owns up to their mistakes and offers up real apologies. Her guilt shows through, her emotions are displayed on her face and her heart on her sleeve, and she has never made me doubt the depth of her devotion and love for Emily. Her loyalty is unsurpassed and she's so sweet, kind, authentic, patient, supportive and fiercely protective. And there's that undeniable connection that she shares with Emily that's been there since her first appearance in season 1. There's always been something magnetic in their relationship, each one drawn to the other and always, always finding their way back to each other.

I think Paige Is a very sesentive Character. 1 ( she is scared of Alison )2 she wants to know more about Alison's and Emily's Baby. She has a felling for Emily. She cares for Emily, when she showed up In the Hastings house when the back yard was a crime seane. She loves Emily a bit too much., but Emily likes Paige, they get on when they road that bike down that road. Her Dad cares for her. You have seen Pages Dad with Ezra. Remember that time when Pages Dad said to MR fits : My daughter is not getting any opportunitytes. He Raised his voice. - Sorry for the bad English- From- Caady

Is so, sweet to emily

16 Meredith
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