Top 10 Films the User Alphaq Hates but Everyone Else Likes

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Titanic

This is it. Time to go to opinion jail!

It's so popular but I don't see the appeal to it at all.

Ugh, this movie...just...UGH

2 Gone With The Wind

I don't know why I hate this film? I honestly don't know why.

How is it bad then clever clogs

I love this movie


3 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Fine you get it. I LOATHE 97% of all War movies. Too dramatic and hideous plot and acting. Way too cheesy.

This film was awful. It's just a depressing mess. 2/10

I like this movie

Like it

4 Schindler's List

The only movie I like about History is The Shaw shank Redemption and nothing else.

I love this movie


5 Saving Private Ryan

Love this movie

6 The Green Mile

Love it

7 The Fox and the Hound

Its good

It's fine

8 Casablanca


9 Toy Story 3

I didn't enjoy this as much as the other TS films. I found it a bit disappointing.

I thought I was the only one who didn't like this movie.

I like this movie but I respect your opinion.

Finally someone who agrees with me.

10 The Lion King

I don't even hate this film that much. I dislike it more than I like it (thanks, evil older brother for ruining it)

This was a great movie in my opinion.

Overrated but good

How dare you!