Top 10 Foods You Would Like to Eat for Brunch

Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch usually served from 11am up to 3pm.
The word "brunch" is also a combination (of the words "breakfast" and "lunch").
Brunch originated in England in the late 19th century and became popular in the US in the 1930s.

There are over one hundred dishes to choose from for your favorite brunch combination.
The Top Ten
1 Bagel

The "bagel brunch" was popular in New York City circa 1900. It consists of a bagel topped with lox, cream cheese, capers, tomato and red onion.
Another combination is a bagel with cream cheese topped with smoked salmon, and salad.

2 Bacon
3 Breakfast Sausage
4 Salad

Usually Caesar salad or something similar

5 Smoked Meat
6 Pancake
7 Croissant
8 Smoked Salmon
9 Egg dishes

Scrambled eggs, Fried eggs, Eggs Benedict, Omelette, and more.

10 French Toast

French toast is made of bread soaked in eggs and milk, then fried. Alternative names and variants include eggy bread, Bombay toast, German toast, gypsy toast, poor knights (of Windsor), and Torrija.

The Contenders
11 Muffin
12 Ham
13 Waffle
14 Potato Pancake
15 Cinnamon Rolls
16 Pastry
17 Roasted Meats
18 Poached Salmon

May be served cold

19 Potatoes O'Brien

A dish of pan-fried potatoes along with green and red bell peppers.

20 Grillades

A common brunch dish in Louisiana, US

21 Toast
22 Crumpets
23 Crepes
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