Best the Fox and the Hound Characters

The Fox and the Hound is a 1981 Disney film about a fox named Tod and a hound dog named Copper who struggle to preserve their friendship despite social and biological pressures for them to be enemies.
The Top Ten
1 Tod

He's cute as a pup

2 Copper

If you can resist Puppy Copper, you are not human.

3 Widow Tweed

Goodbye may seem forever...

4 Vixey

Tod's love interest

5 Big Mama

One of Disney's best owls after Archimedes, Friend Owl, and Owl

6 Amos Slade

Soften your heart. Remember your mother. Everyone, even you, Amos, had a mother. Remember your sweet mother’s eyes. Keep down in your brain. Must you give her more pain. Please soften your heart. Make mom happy again. Be a good boy and let Copper go

He's not really a villain, just a normal hunter

Amos, Widow Tweed would call the rangers

7 Chief

If he died like in the original book the story would've been stronger

8 Dinky
9 Porcupine
10 Boomer
The Contenders
11 Squeaks the Caterpillar
12 The Bear
13 Dixie
14 Badger
15 Abigail the Cow
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