Top Ten Fruits and Veggies that Kids Hate

The Top Ten
1 Broccoli

Having taken an AP psychology class in my sophomore year, I have a pretty good understanding for why this phenomenon of kids not wanting to eat their vegetables occurs. Put simply, with the physiology of their taste buds at a young age, they're more prone to being able to tolerate the bitterness of green leafy vegetables less than adults normally can stuff. In other words, it's completely natural that kids can't handle the bitterness of vegetables like adults can.

I hated it full stop when I was a kid. Now that I'm adult I hate it raw, mutual on in steamed, love it boiled. (I'm 25 at the time of typing this comment) - Comment posted on 24/02/2022

This vegetables seems to be kids worst nightmare. Especially because it looks like a tree.

It actually seems that most people disagree with this

2 Brussels Sprouts

I kinda like it

3 Spinach

Popeye would be quite disappointed, since spinach makes you strong, like other veggies.

It's really good! Why don't they like it?

4 Tomatoes

I like them. I just added it because I don't know of many kids who do

5 Onions
6 Lima Beans
7 Peas
8 Mushrooms

When I was a toddler shiitake mushrooms were one of my favorites

Mushrooms are delicious!

9 Cabbage
10 Coconuts
The Contenders
11 Green Beans

I LOVED green beans as a toddler!

12 Carrot The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow cultivars exist. Carrots are a domesticated form of the wild carrot, Daucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia.
13 Cauliflower
14 Beets
15 Chicory

It tastes awful.

16 Pears
17 Radish
18 Squash
19 Corn
20 Cucumber
21 Kale
22 Avocado
23 Asparagus
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