Top 10 Fun "Would You Rather" Questions

The Top Ten
1 Fight 100 horse-sized ducks or 1 duck-sized horse?

1 duck sized horse, I'd totally win the battle!

Ducks, then I would host a HUGE BBQ feast!

1 duck-sized horse

1 duck sized horse!

2 Be a tree or live in a tree for the rest of your life?

I would live in a tree and create a treehouse mansion

Live in a tree. That could actually be a bit fun.

Embracing nature basically.

Probably living in tree!

3 Begin every sentence with “Hey idiot” or end every sentence with “I’m just kidding”?

Definitely "Hey Idiot"

I'm just kidding

4 Live 1 life that lasts 1,000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?

It depends, cause if I choose 10 lives that last 100 years, will I remember my past lives, or will I be the same person?

10 lives so maybe in one of those I can be a good music critic with blonde hair.

Just give me a fountain of youth, I'll pay outta pocket to use it some more.

1 life that lasts 1000 years

5 Have 500 tarantulas in your house or 1,000 crickets jumping around in your room?

Get a ton of insect spray... because I'm ending the house invasion.

1,000 crickets. Then, I'll burn them with a flamethrower

6 Always take a cold shower or always sleep 1 hour less than needed to be fully rested?

Sleep 1 hour less than needed to be fully rested is better because you can just take a nap for an hour during the day when you have the time. Only if you wanted to though, I mean lots of people like to sleep

Sleep sometimes can benefit from being total exhaustion from a day or so walking around.

Sleep 1 hour less

7 Lose your elbows or your knees?

Lose my knees because I can use a wheel chair and still have my arms to grab stuff

Seeing somebody lose a part limb is pretty sad, and pity them with bless of hope.

8 Always wake up late for a year or stay asleep for a whole year?

Wake up late for a year because then I can just say that I usually wake up at 4 and it will make me wake up late, which is like 5

Stay asleep. I just love my bed

9 Always eat the same meal for the rest of your life or never be able to use social media?

Eliminating media makes me more fluently less stressful.

Social Media. I don't have a phone, so that doesn't affect me.

Never use social media obviously

Never be able to use Social Media.

10 Lose your life through death or start over your life?

Start my life again

Start over my life!

The Contenders
11 Always wear earmuffs or always wear nose plugs?

Always wear nose plugs, that would actually help me from my allergies

Earmuffs, just to get some sorta reactions.

12 Go back 100 years in the past or go 100 years in the future?
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