Top 10 Funniest and Most Disgusting Things That a Vampire Would Never Do

The Top Ten
1 Twerk

I almost never freak out in scary movies. If I saw this, though, most of my following nightmares would be based on that.

I don't know if I would be freaked out or laughing out loud when seeing this.

2 Keep saying " MY NAME'S NOT RICK" over and over

Damn it, have you seen Rick? Was he around here? Oh. Was he delicious?

3 Poop on your floor
4 Drink your toilet water
5 Instruct you on how to make a sandwich

Just like Charles Boyle from Brooklyn Nine-nine, taking half an hour off of work to lecture on this very subject.

You already know how to make a sandwich!

6 Claims it eats paper instead of flesh
7 Eat your sheets
8 Urinate all over the house
9 Says that TheTopTens is YouTube
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