Top Ten Funniest Genuine Graffiti Messages

The Top Ten
1 Give Peas A Chance

This is on a bridge above the M25 motorway on the way out of London. It has always had a place in my heart.

Have also seen "Give bees a chance". Always makes me chuckle.

2 Some people do this for fun. I'm just a cunt.
3 Sorry My Graffiti Sucks

Haha, I like this list.
And yeah, if I tried, my graffiti would suck too.

4 (By fallen gate behind flats) Do not cum in here.
5 (On Police Sign Saying "Speeding. What's Your Excuse.") Helping you bastards pay for donuts.

Well, the supply of donuts we have is very limited. Most have fuzz all over them.

This is really funny too. Would love to see people smiling on that one.

6 If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes politics.

It's true, though. Donald Dump does it a lot.

7 It's now safe to turn off your government!
8 Let's totally write quotes instead of just drawing a penis.
9 (On No Entry Sign With Eyes Drawn On) Ninja Entry!
10 This Is Graffiti - Captain Obvious

This reminds me of my friend

The Contenders
11 Fight apathy or don't.
12 (By hole in fence with an arrow drawn on) Hole!

When I saw this a few years ago, the sheer simplicity of the word 'hole' made me and my friends laugh for ages.

13 Things I Hate: 1. Graffiti. 2. Lists. 3. Irony.

Ha! Funny. What else can you do?

14 Go to drugs, eat your school, don't do vegetables.
15 Eat a friend. Heck, eat them all.
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