Funniest Quotes From the Editor's Remarks to Metal Storm Awards 2018

This list is an extension to my list Top 10 Winners of Metal Storm Awards 2018. Those guys from Metal Storm Awards love jokes.
The Top Ten
1 ** The editor's remarks do not necessarily represent the incorrect opinions of the rest of the Metal Storm staff.
2 Votes for Machine Head are punishable by a permanent ban and staff-issued graffiti on the lifeless shell of your profile.

Because Machine Head's 2018 album "Catharsis" was really bad (it won the Award "Biggest Letdown").

3 We've got an avant-garde category that'll knock your socks off and then reconstitute them as a decorative potholder made out of licorice and the sounds of a saxophone being misused.
4 We're willing to bet the entire $4.39 value of Metal Storm's bank account that Drudkh is going to be camped out on the second tallest snow-capped peak.
5 We know you people don't actually read this text, so we'll take this opportunity to state once and for all that anyone who votes for Immortal is a pleb and a poser (although it was a pretty good album, and we did nominate it...)
6 We're going to play a little game with this year's black metal category: vote for your third choice rather than your first two. Immortal have already won by the simple fact of their nomination.
7 All our choices were the correct ones, so there's no need to dispute them
8 All that meandering and waffling and space-filling is to say that we're pleased to present the 2018 Metal Storm Awards
9 Every Rhapsody Of Fire gives way to a slightly different Rhapsody Of Fire six weeks later
10 2018 was such an extraordinary year for death metal that it was almost criminal (or just criminal, if you're Cannibal Corpse).
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