Funniest Things to Say In a Horror Movie

If you're drinking any kind of liquid, make sure you don't spit it out. Enjoy the ride.
The Top Ten
1 I'm sexy and I know it

This is a horror movie. Not porn.

Wow very awkward too.

This is not funny. -_-

2 Order me some Chinese food first
3 Madonna could kick your butt in about 2 seconds
4 Is it time to dance now?
5 I want Squidward from Spongebob SquarePants to rub his tentacles across my...

Can you guess what episode SpongeBob says this in?

6 Because I'm happy!

That could ease the fear of other watchers

And now the song is stuck in my head. Great.

7 I love chickens!

Killer: AND I LOVE YOU! In food form of course.

8 Before you kill me, be aware that I don't want blood on me because it affects my looks

Don't worry. I won't ruin you r looks.

9 Can I go to the bathroom?

Lol I laugh every time I hear this.

10 You ate Jim!
The Contenders
11 This movie confuses me...

Sounds like something deadpool would say.

12 Oh my god they killed Kenny!
13 I'm really turned on by my fright. Could you possibly...
14 It's SpongeBob SquarePants! Help! I can't find Bikini Bottom! Help!
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