Top Ten Funniest Things Teachers Have Written On School Reports

The Top Ten
1 Henry Ford once said history is bunk. Yours most certainly is.

Is that aimed at the whole family, there? Bloody hell!

I'd think this list was funny... If I liked teachers.

2 Your son is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
3 It's impossible to believe that the sperm that created this child beat out 1,000,000 others.
4 He has an overdeveloped unawareness.

The parents would be confused too

5 The tropical forests are safe when John enters the woodwork room, for his projects are small and progress is slow.
6 This boy does not need a Scripture teacher. He needs a missionary.
7 I would not allow this child to breed.

I would allow this teacher to entertain me. Because my school is full of imbeciles.

8 Alex consistently defied me. During class he contradicted me many times when I insisted that a kilometer was greater in length than a mile.

What if you actually studied the imperial system and compared it with the metric system instead of acting like people who don't use the metric system are idiots.

Have you got a laptop with functional internet to hand? Good. Book yourself a class.

That's why school reports should be given a thought before it's written.

Alex is right

9 Since my last report, your child has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.

Lol, imagine if it was real

10 The student has a "full six-pack" but lacks the plastic thing holding it all together.

I drew a 6 pack with sharpie in school before I read this comment

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