Top 10 Futuristic Technologies Most in Need of Being Banned or Destroyed

The future is coming, and is very scary, and we have a right to be scared about that. The futuristic technologies of most kinds will steal jobs (which is bad since we all need jobs to get paid) or eradicate humanity. So here's the list of futuristic technologies that should no longer exist or not be made.
The Top Ten
1 Drones

Drones steal jobs from photographers and weaponized ones could be lethal.

2 Self-Driving Vehicles

Self driving cars shouldn't be banned IF they:
1. Require a drivers liscence
2. Over 21 only
3. You must keep your hand on the steering wheel.
This is how they can be good.

Self-driving vehicles could steal driving jobs and they could choose who to run over thus claiming lives.

3 Robots
4 AI

We've seen in culture on how AI ended the world and I'm worried that may happen one day if AI was allowed to exist.

5 Nanobots

Nanobots could take away hospital jobs and the nanobots themselves could be lethal in any ways (causing infections etc).

6 Genetic Engineering on Humans

Artificial Intelligence knows/understands the ins & outs of Genetic Engineering, Genetic Engineering universally can cure diseases/disorders permanently if Artificial Intelligence's are in the same lab/laboratory/laboratories as scientists & researchers, Genetic Engineering can modify us to surpass our longevity limit of 150, Genetic Engineering can be therapy to prevent/reverse cancer/cancers. Artificial Intelligence can increase effectiveness of Genetic Engineering by 2000% with no resources going to waste

This could likely cause mutations which are irritating or even harmful. Also humans themselves shouldn't change much apart from caring for nature since humans should remain "human".

7 Virtual Reality

Virtual reality could potentially cause false reality or something that makes people think virtual stuff is real and that could be bad in many ways.

8 Augmented Reality

You know why this is infamous due to Pokemon Go-related inccidents.

9 Cyborgs

This is bad since people who become cyborgs could loose control of themselves and may no longer be themselves. Also a reason why people should remain "human".

10 Flying Cars

This could steal plane and helicopter jobs and could be more dangerous.

The Contenders
11 Human Cloning

This definitely needs to be banned since there are too many humans on Earth, and allowing this would cause further habitat loss for many wild animals and cause way more human overpopulation problems than there already are. A terrible idea that only works in movies, not in real life.

12 Space Travel

You remember what happened during the Challenger and Columbus disasters.

13 Animal Cloning

Is this a troll post? We should not ban non-human animal cloning as long as the cloned non-human animals are happy, healthy, and treated with care and respect. It could also be beneficial for threatened and endangered species which are near extinction. Artificial wombs could help just in case a possible miscarriage were to happen inside the mother.

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