Worst Game Boy Color Games

The Top Ten
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Pokemon Pinball
Metal Gear Solid

Let's face it, I am not saying this game is bad even though I voted it. This game was obviously a port of the PS classic. The controls were great. Graphics were great. Even got the movement of Solid Snakes bandana moving. The only reason that people hate this is because it is a Game Boy Color game that is a port of a console game. True, it is different than the PS version. But do not think that this is bad.

The Land Before Time
Pocket Bomberman
Mortal Kombat 4
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Oh come on,I had to add this on the list? This is one of the worst pieces of crap I've ever played!

Diva Starz: Mall Mania
M&M's Mini Madness

The Newcomers

? Toy Story 2
? Barbie Magic Genie Adventure
The Contenders
Men in Black
Robot Wars: Metal Mayhem
Extreme Ghostbusters
Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown
Star Wars: Yoda Stories
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