Top Ten Game Modes that Should Be in Fortnite Battle Royal

The Top Ten
1 Squad vs Squad

Same size map because when the circle is small it will be so sick

Smaller map and only 2 different squads

2 Duo vs Duo

Smaller map and only 2 different Duos

Playground mode

3 Shotguns Only

No that will be to luck based

Close encounters

4 1v1

*cough* playground mode *cough*

Smaller map and only 2 people

5 Snipers Only
6 No Building

I would win every time as I suck at building

Or just play any other battle royale game.

7 No Meds or Shields
8 Every Time You Kill a Person You Get Ten V-Bucks

This would be terrible for kids who already post their wins on snapchat and who use their mom or dad's credit card, as they would flex more, but for defaults this could be perfect

Yes this game mode would help
a lot of people to get skins and other items and defaults can have a chance to get Vbucks.

What about those who can't get a kill at all?

Actually 10 kills would be 100, and 100 kills all together would be 1000 vbucks,

9 Storm Battle

The entire map is in the storm and you have to beat the clock and stay alive longer

10 Same Color Guns Only

Like gray only or green only or blue only or purple only or gold only.

The Contenders
11 Gun Game

Would be so fun and the best players will actually win, not some default camping in a bush who shot your build fight down.

Every time you get a kill you get a new gun

12 Hide & Seek

One player is a seeker and the rest are hiders. The seekers must find the hiders. The map is different and smaller, so matches don't take 50 billion years.

13 Teams of 10
14 Solid Grey

Only common weapons

Or Solid Silver.

15 Hard-Mode

No Sheilds Or Healing Itemes

You Take More Damage

Anything You Pickaxe Gives You Less Materials

Oh heck no please.

16 1v99
17 1 Kill Equals 1 Skin

And you can chose a skin of your choice!

18 No Skin Challenge
19 10 Hours Fighting (Get Your Way To Victory is The Name)
20 King of the Moving Circle

This is basically solos or teams of however amounts of players who battle it off in a small circle which moves around so that new loot can be gathered by players

21 1 Target, 1 to Protect, 1 Assassin

So it is a normal 100 player game with a normal storm and in the lobby, there will be 7 seconds of everyone reading who will be there random player to assassinate and a random player to protect. It will show the 2 player’s complete identity and name. Going into the game, you will have to find your player you need to kill and the player you will need to protect. You can revive your protecting guy and the guy who will protect you will can obviously revive you. It will show on screen if your guy to protect is down and automatically show his triangle on the mini map and where the guy you will need to assasinate is on the mini map. Your target can change if he leaves. And finally, you will not know your assassin

22 20 teams of 5
23 Ranked Modes
24 Only Grenades
25 Murder Mystery
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