Top 10 Most Controversial Video Games

The Top Ten
Mortal Kombat

People fighting to the death, heads being decapitated, hearts being ripped out, and people being knocked into a pit of spikes. Yeah, that's controversial, all right.

It created the game rating system. This is the reason there is a game rating system.

Mortal Kombat is the whole reason we have an ESRB rating system, thanks to its over-the-top violence and bloody fatalities.

Grand Theft Auto

This series is to video games what Madonna is to music artists.

Night Trap
Custer's Revenge
Ethnic Cleansing
Wolfenstein 3D

It's a game where you go around killing Nazis, which is for some reason considered a bad thing.

This game is awesome, but killing Nazis is the only reason why it's banned in Germany.

Grand Theft Auto III

Two teenagers committed a massacre at Columbine School in the USA. They have now killed themselves.

Conker's Bad Fur Day

The Newcomers

? Super Columbine Massacre RPG!

An RPG based on a school shooting, do I need to say more?

? The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

Controversial for the infamous incest scene.

The Contenders
JFK Reloaded
Muslim Massacre

I'm surprised the game didn't receive an A rating.

The Guy Game
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I love playing this game, though that Hot Coffee mod I saw on YouTube is a bit too much.

South Park: The Stick of Truth
Active Shooter

If you haven't heard by now its main focus is obvious by title, and the graphics look god awful thus a huge amount of outcry to even have this game released would of been disgusting to see on Steam.


It was banned in Brazil due to violence in a school setting.

Genshin Impact

Controversial for having depression, murder, and suicide themes all with child protagonists.

Gal*Gun: Double Peace

I think it even got banned in some countries for obvious reasons.

Twisted Metal: Black

It was really controversial, mostly due to its incredibly violent and disturbing cut scenes. It was the first Twisted Metal game to garner an M rating.

Twisted Metal is really fun, and Black gives it the fifth element it never had before.

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