Top 10 Mindcrack Members
Mindcrack is a Minecraft Vanilla server started by guudeboulderfist in 2010.Etho is the best. He does so many different things, from making an amazing Enderman farm to automatic horse stables to a monster tree thing. Not only is he amazing at the game, but he also has a great sense of humor and one of the most soothing voices I have heard.
I love all of the Mindcrackers, but I gotta say that Etho is my favorite.
Been watching him for more than a year now, and he's a pretty humorous dude. He is the god of Redstone and has a unique taste in building structures. He's incredible with his bow skills, and his reaction speed is really quick (creeper blasts). He's definitely my favorite Mindcracker.
VintageBeef is a guy who always cares about others. Beef is the one who introduced me to Mindcrack. He is very funny, gets along with the others, and is caring. His care for the others and their needs even gave him the title "Mother Beef."
Even if he's not the best in PVP, he still does his best! If he had never played UHC, UHC would be way too serious. Well, there are people like Vechs and BOO, but Beef is like the soul of the team.
I've been subbed to Beef for a long time now, and if I was to watch a video, one of my top criteria would be 100% Beef! I definitely recommend Beef!
Very hilarious and friendly with many other YouTubers and Mindcrackers. Despite creating the server, he is funny and great at commentary.
Pays such attention to detail, which makes his builds turn out amazing. Also, you gotta love his voice.
Has one of the best, most entertaining voices of the group. Hilarious and fun to watch.
I love watching Bdoubleo play NBA 2K15 and Minecraft maps with GenerikB.
PauseUnPause is the best Minecraft player I have ever watched. He's the best person to watch for both Minecraft and non-Minecraft maps with Team Canada or Team Nancy Drew.
I love his sense of humor. He's also a Native American, so cheers to that. He gets some of the most kills, which is impressive. The ruthless underdog, haha.
Love him lots.
The Canadian Native who everyone loves. The fact that he isn't number one on this list is Bad News Bears!
His commitment to reaching the Far Lands and raising money for those kids is awesome. Can't wait to see what he does when he gets there!
Far Lands or Bust! Plus, a great radio voice.
A little clumsy, but really funny and smart. My favorite YouTuber. I can't spend a day without watching his videos.
He is the best person ever, in my opinion.
I can't believe he wasn't on this list. Creator of the epic Coe's Quest series and that one sneaky guy in TTT who made the episodes so much more interesting.
"IF YOU QUIT ON LIFE, YOU QUIT ON ME" - Roamin, from one of Coe's awesome animations. Happy Birthday Coe!
Anderz is a great YouTuber with a fantastic accent. I haven't watched too many videos of his, but he's always such a great sport and has fun everywhere he goes.
I wish I had friends like that.
Really funny and enlightening. No matter how old he gets, he always has a way of making people smile and laugh. He has an amazing series with his children and himself.
Just downright AWESOME!
Paul is the best Minecrafter/Mindcracker ever! His channel is family-friendly, entertaining, and without a dull moment. Paul always keeps his commentary interesting and almost never pauses about what to say.
He was the first man to post Minecraft tutorials on YouTube! Long hail PSJ!
I watched Paul before he joined Mindcrack, so you can imagine how excited I was when he joined the Mindcrack server.
Great guy, keeps it kid-friendly, and is hilarious.
The Newcomers
He is a funny and cool guy, and even though he is new, he is just as respected by me as others I have watched for ages!
He's such a cool dude. He cares so much about everything, and it's just so much fun watching his videos.
He is very talented with mechanics and makes quality edited videos.
Milbee is really fun, and I think it's cute and funny how he's everybody's little sheep.
Milbee is just not bad! I would watch him 24/7 if I could!
Insanely good at building, even though he has "explored the game's code" (cheated).
He is the best builder in the universe of Minecraft. I love his intros, and I am really inspired by his building styles, especially over the past six months.
He is so creative and can build such spectacular devices. I think that is enough to say about him.
He has the most subs. He has been on the least, and is already better than most.
He has 1M subscribers and is a very creative person.
Zisteau is a legit boss. He is entertaining to watch and is just a cool dude.
Mad, OCD, and very enjoyable. This mad pigman creates amazingly cool buildings, has amazing ideas, and puts a lot of work and editing into his very professional videos.
He is hilarious and really good at Minecraft. Blame and his blobs will make your day happy!
Amazing at PVP! He defeated Etho once, so he has to be really good, right?
He is a cool, relaxed guy who doesn't sweat the small stuff, even if things go wrong.
Great streamer and just all-around awesome.
Hilarious part of the Mindcrack server!
Great commentary, provides good insight on games, and has a relatable personality. He is also euphoric.
Although he is only in college (university, whatever), Pyro still deserves a lot of credit!