Top Ten Worst Skylanders Trap Team Villains

The Top Ten
1 Wolfgang

Wolfgang? Wolfgang? Why is he on this list? Wolfgang is awesome, in my opinion he is #6 on my list of BEST villains in the game. He was sort of successful in his quest as a bad guy, heck he even took over Skylands in the future. Not even Kaos was able to come close to pulling that off. Why is he even on this list, could you answer that for me.

2 Gulper

Gulpers main attack is eating... Really stupid villain. Sad to see that he's a doom raider...

3 Chompy Mage
4 Kaos
5 Golden Queen
6 Pain Yatta
7 Rage Mage

Rage Mage is a terrible villain he is #2 on my list of worst villains (My 1st is Slobber Trap and I am the same Portal Master that wrote about him below.) and his attack where he charges up that ball or whatever that is will get you hit and, his punches don't do much. I 100% agree with Rage Mage and Slobber Trap being on this list.

His staff attack is so weak and other attack is good but enemies can hit you making it useless

8 Pepper Jack
9 Sheep Creep

Ok, I understand why Sheep Creep is on this list I like him but I also don't. His attacks aren't very powerful if I recall correctly, but his endless cork firing is cool. Also one last thing Hugo was right about sheep being evil. In Spyro's Adventure if you eat apples in the ruins some money will come out, the sheep keep eating the apples, so you can't get your upgrades. In Swap Force in the sheep wreck islands adventure pack the sheep were being lead by an evil Sheep Mage to spread their quote sheepdom throughout Skylands. The last reason is Sheep Creep. Anyhoo, that's my opinion.

10 Slobber Trap

I think Slobber Trap sucks. All he can do is TRY to slow you down with his slobber, jump on you which doesn't do ANYTHING, and he is not at all a worthy opponent. For example, you wouldn't bring him with you if you were going to fight Kaos. In my opinion, he should be the #1 worst villain on this list.

The below comment says it all. He's just a filler to keep kids entertained.

The Contenders
11 Dream Catcher

Too much of a valley girl for my liking.

12 Broccoli Guy

Broccoli guy can't even attack so why need him! He is number 1 on my worst villains list!

13 Eye Scream
14 Buzzer Beak
15 Krankenstein
16 Shield Shredder
17 Chill Bill
18 Brawlrus

Really, no explanation needed.

19 Bruiser Cruiser
20 Lob Goblin
21 Mab Lobs
22 Cross Crow
23 Nightshade
24 Hood Sickle

He is slow and his attacks are weak.

25 Shrednaught
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