Top 10 Gemstones with the Most Beautiful Shade of Green

The Top Ten
1 Emerald

Emerald's particular shade of green is responsible to a huge extent for the fame of this gem and its high price. Because emerald isn't very very hard, it cracks and chips easy, etc.
But... that color is incredible! And people pay millions for high quality emeralds like the one in the image (it's a picture of a real gem sold for $5.5 million not long ago).

2 Green Diamond
3 Chrysoberyl
4 Green Tourmaline
5 Green Garnet
6 Green Beryl
7 Demantoid
8 Peridot
9 Musgravite

It's olive green, a pretty rare color in the gem world (it can be also grey green to green)

10 Andalusite
The Contenders
11 Seraphinite
12 Maw sit sit / Jade-albite
13 Green Sphene
14 Brazilianite
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