Top 10 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Missions that Should Have Had Higher Rewards
Greetings! For those of you who didn't see the recent list for San Andreas, these lists concern the missions that should have received higher rewards given the difficulty, effort, and stakes.This time, I'm making the list about Vice City, which is also dear to my heart. Enjoy!
The Top Ten
1 $50,000 - Keep Your Friends Close
2 $10,000 - All Hands on Deck!
3 $5,000 - Messing with the Man
4 $5,000 - Sir, Yes Sir!
5 $5,000 - Bombs Away!
6 $5,000 - Naval Engagement
7 $4,000 - Phnom Penh '86
8 $2,500 - Gun Runner
9 $2,500 - Cannon Fodder
10 $2,000 - Alloy Wheels of Steel
The Contenders
11 $2,000 - Demolition Man
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