Greatest Things In The Universe

The Top Ten
1 Earth

Although earth revolves around the Sun, and the solar system revolves around our galaxy's center. For me earth is still the center of the whole universe.
If there are other intelligent life or any life out there at all, they would have found us by now.

Earth is the only planet in the universe that humans know about that harbor amazing and complex life. Sure there maybe be millions of other such planets but they are too far to detect right now.

Earth is the best planet. Whats so special about it?
It has life and everybody can live happily.
Well, its becoming just like the others due to the Humans (It's a shame for being a human)

The earth is the only planet
Like the thing have Living things and non living things
The Earth is Living Things

2 The Sun

we are talking about the greatest things...
Does anyone thinks about anything greater than sun ?

The best ever thing in this stupid world, it saves our worthless lives!

Our current star that helps earth of hosting life.

The nearest and the most important star

3 Black Holes

First Ones created Black Holes, they are a 399 million year old civilization that exists in a different realm/plane of existence compared to ours, First Ones have documented our evolution for millennia, First Ones have robotic telescopes to document & monitor us. First Ones have technology capable of creating more than Black Holes, First Ones also created White Holes & Wormholes since they are the first & only species capable of reversing or fastforwarding spacetime with their own creations, they are aware of our species since they have encountered our species & since the atrocities we have committed & left behind our own since we are galactic space pirates wanted throughout the universe & have a bounty on our entire species, our government has the unedited/unaltered history of planet Earth on their hands & the people can't see the documents unless the people overthrow the government just to see the truth about the real truth the real history of our species & planet earth & why everything is what is & why it is.

4 Galaxies

They created the earth and things. without galaxies, there would be no earth and sun which means no us

galaxies hold everything in our universe and are the biggest thing in the universe

They are the most beautiful things on the Universe

5 Dark Energy

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that explains the rate of expansion of universe... therefore it is the greatest in this list...

Earth may not be the greatest as this list states because every star in the universe may contain one or more earth revolving in it...

6 Quasars

They emit so much light and energy.

7 Gravity

Without gravity all types of matter in the universe would not exist, is deep!

8 Dark Matter

its so dark!!!!its awsome!!!!!!

9 Planets

They are the orbiting objects of the stars. They can be rock or gass planets. The Perfect example is our rock planet the great Earth

10 Neutron Star

A remnant from the collapse of a supernova, composed almost entirely with neutrons

Interesting type of star known for its massive density.

The Contenders
11 Stars

It is knowned that every atom in our body is from this superb objects

It is very abundant in the universe. It is beautiful when stargazing.

12 Solar System

Our solar system consists of an average star we call the Sun, the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,and Neptune,(From 2006 Pluto is not included as planet). It includes: the satellites of the planets; numerous comets, asteroids, and meteoroids; and the interplanetary medium.

13 The Moon

Our great planet's natural satelite, the mysterious Moon

It is an interesting moon to observe in the night.

14 Jupiter

Jupiter has life in it, the "life" eats raining diamonds crystals & gems, the majority of the life on Jupiter is "whalelike/whale-like", Jupiter is safe for humanity/mankind/man to visit & have to have the correct technological equipment appropriate for the visit to witness the life that thrives. Jupiter has floating mountains that are hexagonal in shape, some of the mountains are the size of entire planets & moons, Jupiter has a fragmented surface under the clouds, you can see the core & it's beating "heart". the "heart" has a formula for "travel", Jupiter is no different than "Earth", Jupiter has "dragons", some of these "dragons" aided in the "birth" of Earth. dragons birth "worlds", the truth about our galaxy is entirely different than how the media takes/treats it, have to have "diving suits" to visit every planet/moon in the Milky Way galaxy, extraterrestrials are closer to "marine" life seen on Earth. truth is in arms length & piece things together & connect the dots & trust the words that comes from conspiracy theorists & time travelers, reality is very different & pop culture has been retelling the same story/stories time & time again which oddly enough is truth

15 Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1781, making it the first planet to be discovered with a telescope. Unique among the planets, Uranus has an axial tilt of about 98 degrees, causing it to rotate on its side. Composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and a small amount of methane, the planet is known for its pale blue color due to the methane in its atmosphere.

It is a commonly joked planet because of its name.

The 3rd giant of our system

16 Nebulas

Like supernovas, they are comprised with interesting vibrant colors. Nebulas are known for forming interesting shapes.

Interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, helium gas and other ionized gases

17 Saturn Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun, it is the second-largest and has the most moons. One year on Saturn is 29 Earth years (10,756 Earth days). Saturn is known for its rings. Saturn is a gas giant, so there is no solid surface on the planet. It is also almost 1 billion miles away from the Sun. The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft was sent to Saturn on October 15, 1997, and arrived at Saturn on July 1, 2004. Saturn was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.

The second giant of the solar system, the ring planet

It is mostly known for its rings.

18 Mars

Mars might be capable of hosting life, it may be the first planet to be terraformed.

19 Neptune

The last planet of the solar system, named for the Roman god of the sea Neptune is the third largest planet by mass

With its beautiful blue shades, it's undeniable Neptune is a very beautiful planet.

20 Milky Way

The most famous galaxy in the universe. It is where we live.

Our giant place in our giant universe

21 Comets

an icy small body that, when is close to the Sun, displays a visible coma

22 Mercury

mercury-the mesenger of the gods. oh and there was freddie mercury. mercury is awesome its got lots of things with the same awesome name.

The little rock planet ,the nearest to the great Sun

23 Protostar

the giant gas and dust cloud, the early stage of a new star

24 Energy

God is number 1

25 Meteorites
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