Top 10 Green Fruits

The Top Ten
1 Honeydew
2 Green Apple
3 Kiwifruit

I love the kiwi fruit

4 Cucumber
5 Green Pepper
6 Lime
7 Watermelon

Surprise, surprise! They are red inside!

8 Avocado

@Metal_Treasure: My facts ARE straight. In dictionary definitions, a vegetable is "a plant whose fruit, stems, leaves, roots, or other parts are used as food". The 1st definition for fruit is "any plant product that is good to eat". The seed-bearing parts, or fruits, are therefore vegetables. It's just an asinine quirk of the English language to always say "fruits and vegetables" instead of including fruits as vegetables.

Not this nonsense again. All edible parts of plants are vegetables, so--- all fruits are vegetables.

Isn't Avocado a vegetable?

9 Green Grapes
10 Green Beans

Yes, technically, a fruit

The Contenders
11 Pear
12 Zucchini / Courgette
13 Guava

Same as watermelons - they are red inside

14 Gooseberry

There are green and red gooseberries

15 Peas

But they are vegetables

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