Top Ten Happiest Facts

The Top Ten
1 The chances of you being born were 1 in 40 million.

This actually doesn't strike me as happy. Am I glad I'm alive? Absolutely. It would be nothingness if I weren't.

Well that means there is more of you because there are 7 billion people on Earth.

Why are conception dates never celebrated? That's the day you KNOW for certain, you're gonna come on Earth! That's why December 6th is a great day for me. (Anyway, great fact <3)

2 The last man to walk on the moon wrote his daughter's initials on the moon.

That's quite thoughtful of him. (I said "thoughtful" mostly to break the "sweet" trend, although I don't disagree. I'm just not the kind of guy who'd say something is sweet. Maybe it's just me, but that sounds way too girly for a dude to say.)

3 It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown

Often enough, I don't do either and just have a pretty neutral face as far as emotion goes, but it's nice to know it's easier to smile than frown.

Affirmative. It takes 43 muscles to frown, but only 17 to smile.

That proves that you should smile more!

4 The people who did the voices of Mickey and Minnie Mouse got married in real life

I already knew this I think it is so sweet!

I knew this fact from a long time...

5 Otters hold hands when in water currents to stay together

I actually have known this since I was about eight years old.

Obviously blind people smile, is a reflex, not a function, infants smile

6 We are all alive

If we were all alive, "we" being everybody who walked the face of the earth since Eden, we might want to start migrating to other planets in the solar system. (That actually might be a very bad idea with every planet but Mars, but the earth would be way overpopulated.)

Wrong. Everything is just a simulation.

What if a ghost is on the top tens? Huh, huh?

7 2013 is the first year since 1987 that has four totally different digits

Um...How is that exactly "happy"? It's more so interesting than happy.

The only thing I know is that 2013 was the best year of my life along 2014.

Clever mathematical trick. I love those.

8 Chances are, someone is thinking of you

Is it necessarily a bad thing if that someone is 90% of the time myself?

Is this sweet? Well yes, but technically no. What if stalker.

Not always happy. What if it's a stalker.

9 There is someone who is going through the same thing as you.

Is that so? Depending on how specific this is, I may believe it completely or doubt this completely.

10 Blind people smile

I guess you don't have to actually see to know when you feel like smiling. Happiness is an emotion, not a function.

The Contenders
11 The sun returns every morning and is a symbol of hope

I like the idea of this. It gives you the will to get up every morning and face what life is about to throw at you.

Technically, the sun never leaves in the first place, but I get the general idea

12 Turritopsis jellyfish can live forever

They keep reproducing themselves, like repeating their stages. How amazing!

13 After rain comes a rainbow

Well, not exactly true. Rainbows are caused by sunlight being refracted and magnified like a telescope into a refraction ring. The other half of the ring is always below the horizon. So whenever they're Sun and water in the atmosphere, there is a rainbow.

Rainbows can also be seen at night.

Yay, that makes me feel tears of joy.

14 When a man raised a lion cub in the 60s but then had to let it go when it got too big, he visited it later in life. When the lion saw him, he gave the man a hug.

I heard about that in science class and we watched a video, I almost cried!

15 Birds obey the speed limit of the particular roads, they fly over
16 Somebody somewhere is having the best day ever
17 When play fighting, dogs will purposefully sneeze to show their "opponent" that it's not a serious fight
18 In the universe, there are 40 billion planets similar to earth that have a similar size and rotate around a habitable area to their star(s)
19 There is a baby being born at the moment you are reading that is going to change the whole world to a happier place
20 There is probably at least one person thinking of you
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