Top Ten Hardest Basic Math Problems

The Top Ten
1 94675897637282937 x 243587083382

You sure did put time into this list, and for sure didn't just dump a load of numbers into it.

Really hard to me I am really good at math

SO EASY the answer is 2.3061826e+28

2 987654 x 385759483
3 9999977777453514 - 2384738372373

SO EASY the answer is 9.997593e+15

4 9227272723733736266262226262626+29463628372828377466272817464
5 2134567890 x 987654321

You just put the numbers in the order that they're in for the math problem

6 5674321890 - 456987263
7 9+10

Now it's time for counting with fingers or calculator.

Well its easier doing it as 10 + 9

8 98273736381 - 28274647183

The answer is 69999089198.

9 1 divided by 0

Actually this is easy, using limits you obviously know that as x approaches 0, 1/x gets bigger and bigger, therefore it is infinity.

The answer is undefined. SO EASY!

10 983948473920394847382 x 83899388393837383939

All you need to do is break it down I think I can do it in my head

It's so long I could never solve it!

The Contenders
11 Square root of pi
12 1+X=2 X=1

They literally give us the answer

It is so easy just do 2-1

13 H^Ration X 78 -3 /.23%, x Vn(>78.21_1) Ration 3

Sorry not many people do Algebra and long division from the age of 2.

14 -345566577x13464464-344354453
15 a^n+b^n=c^n for (n>1,2)
16 0 divided by 0

That's so easy its literally just 0.

17 e to i Pi +1

Ask a mathematician.
Actually I have a great idea...everyone hates reality television but how about a reality television show about mathematicians NOT finding one the only people on it can be is a mathematician.

Let me take a random guess...0?

18 The Poincaré Conjecture
19 1 million x 1 million

Answer is 1 trillion

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