Top 10 Reasons Why Abortion is Not Okay

Liberals think abortion is okay. What kind of thought is that? Abortion is NOT okay and here's why...
The Top Ten
It's the killing of an innocent human being

It's a disgrace to nature. It should only be okay if the baby is already going to die in the womb or if the mother would die giving birth. Otherwise, you're a murderer for aborting an innocent human being.

An unborn child is a human being and an individual person, not part of the mother's body. How monstrous that some people can murder unborn humans who can't defend themselves at all.

It is more selfish to kill the baby than to let it live its life. It could have been a really nice person who would help others.

It destroys the work of God

It doesn't matter if you believe in God or not. You know that baby is there for a reason. I personally believe that the baby is created by God, but regardless, it is alive.

That kid could have found a solution to poverty and world hunger, but now that he's dead, I guess we'll have to wait for another twenty years.

God created that person for a reason.

It's a sin

Sin is never good.

It's an unsafe procedure
Life starts at the moment of conception

Once the sperm and egg combine, life begins. So yes, abortion is murder.

It violates civil rights

Those in favor of abortion, who were fortunate enough not to be aborted by their own mothers, deny the rights of others to be born and have life. How selfish and unfair.

Though the child isn't born yet, it still has rights.

It's damaging to families and relationships
People think it solves their problems, but it just creates new ones
It compounds tragedy
It costs more money than just buying condoms

The Newcomers

? It encourages unsafe sex without consequence
? It can hurt the mother mentally
The Contenders
It shows how people are irresponsible for their actions

And we should be punished for that for 18 years?

It breaks the abortion cycle
You could just put the baby up for adoption
The person inside you is not part of your body
It normalizes ableism
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