Top Ten Worst Viruses

This list describes the worst virus that cause diseases as we know. NO bacteria. Just viruses.
The Top Ten
1 Ebola

Ebola should be in the top spot. It is definitely the worst. I took a class where all we did was study different diseases. Ebola is one of the worst ways to die. It liquifies your organs. Vomiting, diarrhea. And then you bleed to death.

Very high fatality rate but it's not that spreadable, you can only spread when having symptoms too.

Known as the bloody virus, it is already spreading and killing many.


People say it can be treated, but this virus mutates so fast, we never know which medication really works It is the smartest virus. Smart is equal to deadly.

May seem harmless to your body, but they are big jerks (chuggaaconroy reference)
HIV destroys your immune system.

3 SARS-CoV-2 (2019 Coronavirus)

It sucks that everything is closing down because of this, it driving me nuts, I hate being stuck at home, I want to go out and do something fun, but no! Many places are closed, and my school is closed and I am so bored, I thought being at school was boring this is at least I busy doing something at school and can get out of the house

It sucks now in my province you can't have people over that are unvaccinated, it sucks that they past that law, this is one of the worst viruses

I hate this virus I am stuck at home I can't do anything, can't even go to school, I hate this virus

We're all stuck (and still stuck right now) in lockdown due to this - January 3, 2021

4 Influenza B
5 Rabies
6 Hepatitis B
7 Smallpox Virus

Highest death toll of any disease... Without the vaccine, it would spread like wildfire and kill anyone who had it.

8 Hepatitis C
9 HPV Virus
10 West Nile Virus
The Contenders
12 H1N1 Virus
13 Zika Virus
14 Bubonic Plague

Not a virus, it's bacteria, and it's not bubonic plague, bubonic plague is 1 of the 3 forms, there's septicemic, bubonic and pneumonic.

15 Malaria
16 Polio

Causes paralysis and shrunken limbs. In some cases it paralyzes the diaphragm, causing whoever contracted the disease to have to live the rest of their life inside an iron lung, as they can't breathe on their own without it.

17 Herpes Simplex
18 Norovirus
19 Hemorrhagic fever
20 Typhoid
21 Cholera
22 Influenza
23 Chicken Pox
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