Top Ten Hilarious Disguises Worn by Invader Zim

Because all of his disguises are hilarious (and terrible)!
The Top Ten
1 Shmimvader Shmim

Ugh! It's supposed to be 'Shminvader Shmim'. Why you gotta meddle, admin?

Hipster Zim for the win!

Best one of them all!

2 Baby Inspector
3 Fat Lady

I laughed so hard when I first saw this one. He even goes to the trouble of putting on makeup.

4 Bear Suit
5 Old Man

It's clever how only a few people noticed and he got called "little man" in it.

Why is it so funny and so cute at the same time?

6 Easter Platypus

Who's ever heard of a platypus on Easter?

7 Santa Suit

It has a mind of it's own, forcing Zim into the holiday spirit, lol.

Strong enough to lead to an epic fight!

8 Average Loan-Seeking Man
9 Clown Suit

Why didn't it come until an unfinished episode?!

10 Lab Technician
The Contenders
11 Dib Suit

Silly and clever!!

12 Human Kid

Should have added ears and a nose!

Can't beat the classics!

13 Girly Ranger

Didn't even disguise his voice!

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