Top Ten Hilarious Ways to Solve the Population Crisis

The Top Ten
1 Tell everyone bleach is healthy to drink, and that milk is great for laundry

Yep, two completely different products. Can't wait to see the results!

Shout out to "This Horrifying Planet" video by The Onion!

2 Exile all criminals to Antarctica

Yeah, all they do is steal stuff, and take up space and food...

3 Remove all warning labels from all products

The people who aren't cautious will be in trouble...

4 Make the moon "inhabitable"

Just dump thousands there a day, perfect solution!

Or Mars, for that matter.

5 Put hydrogen peroxide into the world's water supply

People will die. And the numbers will just go up.

6 Add salt in the Great Lakes
7 Begin a zombie apocalypse on purpose

And that will wipe out many, leaving just a few bright minds.

Reminds me of "the waling death"

8 Encourage suicide in society

Hell yeah, have you tried those noose chokers? They're the latest craze! And so cheap too!

And the newest commercial says to "go kill yourself here, at the Majesty Cliff".

Brilliant! (I'm Just kidding)

Yeah that'll work

9 French Revolution Two

This would be rather bloody, but why not laugh at history's biggest rehash of all time?
From, a heartless jerk.

10 Accuse China of witchcraft in the Beijing Witch Trials

Salem Witch Trials to a bigger scale here!

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