Top Ten Historic Nations You Most Want to Exist Again

Be it to live in or just to have an effect on the world!
The Top Ten
1 Vermont Republic
2 California Republic
3 Weimar Republic
4 Chinook
5 Scotland
6 Palestine
7 Tibet
8 East Turkestan
9 Unified Korea

North Korea will take over the South and reunify Korea. Just watch!

10 Gran Colombia
The Contenders
11 Roman Empire The Roman Empire was a post-Republican period of ancient Rome that lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD. It was characterized by an autocratic form of government and large territorial holdings in Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. The Roman legal system and Latin language have had a lasting impact on the Western world. At its height, the empire was one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in the world.

Leonardo the vinci and ezio

12 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Russia had fall dramatically, but some day it will rise again under the Red Banner of Lenin!

13 Austria-Hungary
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