Strangest Facts about History

These are strange, goofy, and funny fact about the past, I hope you like this list and submit any strange facts about history you think should be here
The Top Ten
1 Alexander the Great was accidentally buried alive
2 Former American President Abraham Lincoln is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame
3 In the Ancient Olympics athletes performed naked
4 The shortest war in history, the Anglo-Zanzibar War, lasted for 38 minutes
5 The Soviet Union ran out of vodka from celebrating the end of WWII
6 Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender
7 Famous conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte was once attacked by a horde of bunnies

I bet that was one of his toughest battles as King Arthur can attest those creatures can be vicious even in small numbers.

8 Before the 19th century, dentures were made out of dead soldier's teeth
9 The South African railway once employed a Baboon. In his 8 years of service he never made a single mistake.
10 46 BC was 445 days long and is the longest year in human history. It was known as the year of Confusion
The Contenders
11 The Soviet Union hated Genghis Khan so much that in the late 20th century, even mentioning the name of the great Mongolian ruler was a crime against the USSR
12 All British tanks since 1945 have included equipment to make tea
13 Adolf Hitler help design the Volkswagen Beetle
14 4% of the Normandy beaches are made up of shrapnel from the D-Day landings
15 The swastika is an ancient symbol
16 Germany made Fanta when they ran out of Coca Cola.
17 The British Museum was full of stray cats in early 1960s
18 The British Museum was originally located in the 17th-century mansion, Montagu House, in Bloomsbury, which was demolished in the 1840s to make way for the current building
19 The Great Disappointment in 1844 was a failed prophecy by William Miller, a New York farmer and Baptist layman. Approximately 100,000 Christians gathered on hillsides, in meeting places, and in meadows, expecting the return of Jesus Christ.
20 Glitches due to the Y2K bug did occur, but they were nothing like planes falling out of the sky
21 During World War II, a gas mask designed to look like Disney’s Mickey Mouse character was produced to make the masks less intimidating for children
22 Pantomimes originated from a form of theater in Rome called Commedia dell’Arte. British pantomimes, founded by John Rich, were silent and featured clowns. They were performed all year round, not just at Christmas.
23 In the Medieval period, an imaginary peasant utopia known as "Cockaigne" was conceptualized
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