Tips to Keep Burglars From Targeting Your Home
home-security Sure, you may have a home security system in place, an intimidating dog keeping an eye on things, or maybe even person protection stashed next to your bed all in an effort to protect yourself and your property from would be robbers. But really, do you ever want to put those measures to the test? Wouldn't it be better if burglars simply avoided you house altogether? What follows are some tips for keeping burglars from targeting your house.Make it look like you are home. Just like you probably don't ever want to come face to face with a burglar in your house, most burglars never want to come face to face with a homeowner. For this reason, burglars tend to target empty homes.
Burglars look for signs that you are not home such as lights being turned off and drapes pulled tight or signs that you have gone on vacation such as multiple newspapers in the driveway or a full mailbox. Take care to disguise these signals. Leave a light on or a radio running. Stop deliveries or request that neighbors collect them.
Keep things well lit. It is estimated that 90% of all intruders choose not to enter a well lit residence. Lights expose nefarious activities and make things more risky so make sure you have plenty of them. Use higher wattage bulbs and install motion sensor lights. And don't forget about unattached buildings. If you have a storage shed on your property, make sure it is lighted at well.
Keep things locked. Almost half of all burglaries are "no force" entries. Basically they are crimes of opportunity where a thief sees an easy opportunity such as an open window or unlocked door and capitalizes on it. Be careful to keep your home and vehicles locked up at all times, even when you are home. An open door can be too strong a temptation to pass up, so don't even present it.
Advertise your home security system. Having a home security system is not only a great way to protect your family from break ins, it is a tool for preventing them in the first place. It has been shown that simply planting a sign or posting stickers indicating that your home has an alarm significantly decreases the chance that your home will be broken into. So if you have a home security system, flaunt it.
If you are interested in purchasing a home security system, ADT is the #1 security company in America so they are a logical first choice. You can learn more about them by clicking here.
Thank you. I live in a town where there have been many recent ransacks and burglaries. This could eventually help me. - visitor
This has been the same visitor shown above, and I'd like to say that you have also helped on a report I am doing. Once again, thank you very much for your advice. - visitor
The number of home burglaries traditionally spike in the summer months. Light timers and Fake T.V. are excellent solutions to deter burglars. Also, playing anti-theft home occupancy sounds MP3 or a CD (sells on Amazon or at ) in home while away is a great way to trick burglar that someone is in. - visitor