Best Horror Stories In One Sentence

The Top Ten
1 There was a picture of me sleeping, I live alone.
2 In all of that time I've closed more doors than I open.
3 I enter the empty elevator and as the doors close I feel a hand cover my mouth.

Oh my God! An actual shiver went through my body as I read that! It made me wonder about the rest of the story.
I really like this list!

The most predictable one on the list.

4 The last man on earth sat alone on a room and there was a knock on the door.
5 I said good night to my wife laying next to me and as I rolled over and saw her standing in the doorway
6 I see the mirror of my own image smiling.While I'm not.
7 As I was lying in my bed my arm dropped off the side, I felt the dog lick my hand and then I remembered, I don't have dog.
8 There's nothing like the laughter of the baby unless it's 1 am and you are home alone.
9 You get home tired after a long day's work, ready for a relaxing night alone and reach for light switch, but another hand is already there.
10 Somebody is singing a sad song at midnight in my house and I'm living alone.
The Contenders
11 I looked at my reflection in the mirror; all was well, until it blinked.
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