Best Horton Hears a Who (2008) Characters

This was an overall great film. Great story, great characters-

Great Characters?

The Top Ten
1 Tommy

He is hot, cute, and amazing. I wish he got a bigger role. (Voiced by Jonah Hill)

2 Horton

The main character of the film, only Tommy is better. (Voiced by Jim Carrey)

3 Mayor Ned McDodd

He's a great character voiced by a great comedic actor known by the name of Steve Carell.

4 Jojo

Wait, why is Leafy in a kids movie? (Voiced by Jesse McCartney)

5 Katie

The money I would pay to slowly witness her being slowly crushed in a hydraulic press...

She's so adorable. (Voiced by Joey King)

6 Morton

Funny mouse. And cartoon blue mice voiced by Seth Rogen are awesome!

7 Dr. Mary Lou LaRue

How does Isla Fisher do such a nerdy voice?

8 Vlad the Bunny
9 Vlad Vladikoff

Other than the awesome Russian accent, this guy was just mean. No wonder he's a vulture. (Voiced by Will Arnett)

10 Sour Kangaroo

She is Paris Hilton if she was a kangaroo

Oh sorry I mean both mixed together

I hate her! (Voiced by Carol Burnett)

The Contenders
11 Yummo Wickersham

Yummo wickersham is the best character in the movie. I hope Disney develops him.

12 Nuts Wickersham

Nuts is a kid but he doesn't sound like a kid when he said sound the alarm

13 Rudy Kangaroo
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