Top Ten Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

I really want a cat, but it would have to be one of these, since my mom is deathly allergic to cats.
The Top Ten
1 Russian Blue The Russian Blue is a cat breed that comes in colors varying from a light shimmering silver to a darker, slate grey.

These beautiful cats are my favourite cat. I bought one after seeing this photo

I love Russian Blues, one is my wallpaper on my laptop.

2 Bengal The Bengal is a domestic cat breed developed to look like exotic jungle cats such as leopards, ocelots, margays and clouded leopards.
3 Oriental Shorthair The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat that is closely related to the Siamese. It maintains the modern Siamese head and body type but appears in a wide range of coat colors and patterns.
4 Siberian The Siberian is a landrace variety of domestic cat, present in Russia for centuries, and more recently developed as a formal breed, with standards promulgated since the late 1980s. Siberians are average sized cats, and are considered hypoallergenic.
5 LaPerm The LaPerm is a recognized breed of cat. A LaPerm's fur is curly, with the tightest curls being on the belly, throat and base of the ears. LaPerms come in many colors and patterns. LaPerms generally have a very affectionate personality.
6 Balinese The Balinese is a long-haired breed of domestic cat with Siamese-style point coloration and sapphire-blue eyes.
7 Javanese The Javanese is a breed of domestic cat recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association as a show cat. It is an oriental-type longhair.
8 Devon Rex The Devon Rex is a breed of intelligent, short-haired cat that emerged in England during the 1960s. They are known for their slender bodies, wavy coat, and large ears.
9 Cornish Rex A Cornish Rex is a breed of domestic cat. The Cornish Rex has no hair except for down. Most breeds of cat have three different types of hair in their coats: the outer fur or "guard hairs", which is about 5 cm long in shorthairs and 10 cm+ long in longhairs; a middle layer called the "awn hair"; and more.
10 Sphynx The Sphynx is a breed of cat developed through selective breeding starting in the 1960s, known for its lack of a coat, though it is not truly hairless.
The Contenders
11 American Shorthair The American Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat believed to be descended from European cats brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats.
12 Siamese The Siamese cat is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Asian cat. Derived from the rtgs: wichianmat landrace, one of several varieties of cat native to Thailand, the Siamese became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 20th century.
13 Turkish Angora The Turkish Angora is a breed of domestic cat. Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, natural breeds of cat, having originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region.
14 Ocicat The Ocicat is an all-domestic breed of cat which resembles a wild cat but has no wild DNA in its gene pool.
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