Top 10 Most Hypocritical Things About SJWs

SJW's are very hypocritical and here's a few ways that they are hypocritical. If I missed one feel free to add it.
The Top Ten
1 They claim to hate racism yet hate White people

How is hating white people yet supporting black people not racist?

If they hate white people, that also means they're racist.

No matter what race you're crapping on its still racism

So people shouldn't do anything about george floyd then

2 They believe in equality yet don't treat people equally

Which is very hypocritical.

The biggest one

3 They claim that men can't be raped, when men have been raped

This list is trash in the mind of a dumb SJW, but not to normal people. The SJWs need to learn.

Rape doesn't just apply to women it can happen to men to...

Not all men want sex.

This list is trash

4 They believe that men are sexist yet are sexist themselves

Saying comments like "All men are racist" or "All men are sexist" is sexist itself.

Saying that all and only men can be sexist is actually very sexist itself.

these feminist films don't help support their cases

Saying that men are sexist is sexist, moron.

5 They hate violence, yet condone violence against people that disagree with them
6 They claim that white people are racist, when they're racist themselves

Dude, even whites can suffer from racism.

How the hell is that not racist?

7 They believe in empowering women yet don't empower women at all

I remember in a buzzfeed video girls were painting in period blood, and thy called it empowering, but I guess doing unhygienic stuff is seen as empowering now.

Embarrassing fellow women (& liberals) by spewing out sexism against men will NOT empower them.

Blaming men for everything does NOT empower women at all.

More like they make women turn and hate each other.

8 They force you to use their gender pronouns like "Zee" and She/He or else they threaten you with violence and abuse

I identify as Baby Shark my pronouns are do/do/do/do/do.

Conform or die-Sjws and stalin

It's not a law, it's a preference.

My name is name is Rick Astley and my pronouns are Never/Gonna/Give/You/Up

9 They think that they're spreading a cause, when they're really just spreading bias/prejudice

All SJW's do is shove their believes down everyone's throats and will berate anyone who disagrees with them.

10 They claim to be for female and LGBT rights yet they support Islam, which calls for their oppression.

I remember Paul Joseph Watson making a video of that (Dear Gays, the Left betrayed you for Islam)

I love you and hate you

The Contenders
11 They feel oppressed for other races, as if they think black people or Asian people can't think for themselves
12 They call Trump supporters racist, when they are racist themselves

I am by no means a Trump supporter... but calling people that support a president racist is really retarded.

13 They claim to support gay people, yet hate bi people

Bisexuals is also part of being gay.

"Equality" everyone!

14 They hate offensive people, when they're offensive themselves

If this isn't hypocritical I don't know what is.

15 They say women can be whoever they want, yet shame stay-at-home moms
16 They hate it when a black character is drawn a bit lighter due to lighting, but think it's fine when someone draws a white/Asian character black or Mexican
17 They claim to hate bullying, yet they bully people
18 They're quick to "defend" certain groups, yet they ignore or overlook the struggles of others
19 They enable female criminals and shame the male victims
20 They barely acknowledge disabled people
21 They harass interracial couples if it's a black woman and white man
22 They claim they hate killing, but they want to kill cisgender straight white men
23 They're okay with transgender men, but they're not okay with cisgender men
24 They believe White people are all dummies
25 They are intolerant of Christianity
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