Most Idiotic Types of People You Could See Outside On the Roads

The Top Ten
1 Jaywalkers

These people are extremely dangerous especially on a busy road. They don't use the crosswalk like they should be and they never look both ways like they should. I almost hit a couple becasuse of this.

Where I live jaywalking is legal - Unnamed Google User Remade

I feel like hitting them with car!

2 Cyclists on the main road

They are a hazard generally on the right lane.

3 Drivers who go across a side road from a main road, just to get to the other end of the main road

That's not a shortcut.

4 Drivers who seem to always follow you

Maybe they have a purpose, but it is creepy as hell especially if they follow you to closely.

5 Red light runners
6 Drivers who go more than 15 over the speed limit

I was seriously hoping that these types of drivers get caught by the police.

7 Drivers who cut in front of you and slow down

Dude, if you know you're going to drive much slower than the speed limit, then don't cut the line!

8 Slow drivers who drive slower than utility trucks

Truck drivers usually have an excuse because they have some cargo, but if you're slower than they are, (especially under the speed limit) then there's a problem.

9 Drivers in the turning lane who take more than 7 seconds to complete a turn

So true especially when the light lasts for a very short period of time. It takes a simple screwup to cause the rest of the lane to back up.

10 Elderly Drivers

Sorry to the person who said that elderly have been driving for more, but my friend knows an elderly person who has never, EVER gotten a driver's license. She walks everywhere unless she gets rides.

Driving so slowly as if the road is owned by them!

The Contenders
11 Drivers who block intersections
12 Hobos
13 Hitchhikers
14 Drivers following too close
15 Drivers weaving through traffic
16 Hillbilly Man
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