Top 10 Imaginary Books With Imaginary Authors

Okay, its like this, um... "How to get taller" by Stan Dupp (Stand Up)
The Top Ten
1 "How to Get Taller" by Stan Dupp
2 "I Like Jame" by James Bond
3 "How to Get Shorter" by Neil Down

The title is probably the whole book then.

4 "Scary Ghost" by R.U.Scared

Ha! Wonderful list! You've made a great couple lists since joining!

5 "The English Channel" by Frances Neer
6 "Speed Running" by Goe Foster
7 "About Poop" by Brown Bert
8 "How to Scare Jerry" by Thomas Neer
9 "Knock Knock Jokes" by Pat Doore
10 "Tower of Druids" by Kenny Centazzo
The Contenders
11 "How to Become a Farmer" by Paddy Field
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