Most Important Definitions in Nutrition Chapter of Biology

Every one reads biology . So here are some important definitions we need know from this chapter.
The Top Ten
1 Nutrition - the supply of all essential organic and inorganic chemical compounds(fats,proteins etc)to the body.
2 Diet - the combination of food items which we eat in our meal.
3 Appetites - the desire to eat food.
4 Hunger - the uneasy sensation due to lack of food.
5 Kilocalorie - the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1000gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
6 Food - any substance that we eat or drink and which contains the nutrients
7 Balanced diet - the diet which contains all principal constituents of food in proper quantity.
8 Meal - the food taken at one time to satisfy appetite.
9 BMR - the number of calories required to keep the body functioning during rest.
10 Growth - building up new proto plasma or cells
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