Top Ten Most Infamous Psychological Experiments

The Top Ten
1 Milgram Experiment

Basically, it shows how even normal people are capable of killing.

2 Little Albert

This experiment had this baby next to white objects. The experimenters would hit a hammer next to Albert, causing him to be afraid of white objects.

3 Bobo Doll Experiment

It proved that children learn from others.

That one looked creepy,

4 The Third Wave

It taught kids fascism! The Third Wave was even given a book based on the experiment.

5 David Reimer

A boy who had its penis burned off by circumsion. After having a sex change, he committed suicide.

6 Willowbrook State School and Hepatitis

Willowbrook State School intentionally gave mentally disabled children hepatitis. I used to live in Willowbrook!

7 Nazi Prison Experiments

Do I even need to explain this?

8 Stanford Prison Experiment

Apparently, the prisoners in the experiment liked the psychological abuse.

9 Project MKUltra

This experiment involved the CIA and.. LSD?

10 The Aversion Project

Some crazy psychologist thought that homosexuals needed to be "cured". He was 100% wrong.

The Contenders
11 The Monster Study
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