Top 10 Interesting Facts About the Cold War

Cold War...i mean so cold *shaking* so the Cold War was just useless and interesting and I and I am going to tell interesting...yes prepare your anus it's time
The Top Ten
1 During the Cold War, the C.I.A. made a pornographic video featuring a lookalike of the Indonesian President (Sukarno) in an attempt to discredit him, including designing a full-face mask resembling the President.

How dare the CIA!
"Go to hell with your aid! "

Another One:Sukarno wasn't offended and he was pleased for the video to air on his homeland

2 The CIA secretly spiked the bread from a bakery in the French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit with enormous quantities of LSD as part of its cold war mind-control experiments.

Those children be high!

3 During the Cold War, USSR thought that the heavily trafficked building in the center courtyard of the Pentagon was a top-secret meeting room and pointed nukes at it. It was a hot dog stand.
4 During the Cold War, America used bears to test their ejector seats in supersonic jets.

I am waiting for PETA to come

5 During the cold war America sent Romania 20,000 bibles, which the Romanians subsequently turned into toilet paper because they had a shortage.
6 During the Cold War, an 18 year old German aviator (with only 50 hours’ worth of flying experience) illegally flew through Soviet airspace, bypassed their air defenses and landed in Red Square, all in order to reduce tensions between the USA and USSR.
7 During the Cold War, the Soviet Union had many “closed cities” restricted for foreigners and tightly controlled for citizens and even today Russia keeps a great number of its cities closed.

Gee I want to know why? (Nuclear maybe...)

8 The term “Third World Country” does not mean poor, it refers to a country which was not aligned with either America/First World or Soviet/Second World during the Cold War.
9 During the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev said to Mao Zedong that “Berlin is the testicles of the West. Every time I want to make the West scream, I squeeze on Berlin.”

That' pretty funny...

10 Deer in the Czech Republic don’t cross into Germany, following the example of parents who learned to avoid the electrified fence there during the Cold War.
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