Top 10 Reasons Why Kids React Is Dumb

The Top Ten
1 They're biased

It only reflects how do children view, they are not grown up yet, of course they view differently as us.

2 They're usually wrong

Well, the whole point to having a Kids React is because they're usually wrong. There's teens react and elder's react. They all have sense. People watch Kids React because of this. In saying this, you're the one who's wrong...

And? This isn't a reason at all. Do you know what opinions are? They can state things they THINK. Plus, you're attacking the kids themselves and your "evidence" makes no sense.

Opinions are neither right or wrong. They're opinions.

It's their opinion, you can't change that.

3 They like bad things

Things that are what you would call "bad" is different than what I could call "bad". I might consider Ariana Grande bad, but one of the kids on Kids React could think she's the best artist out there. Maybe I like The Beatles, but one of them might not be a fan. Not everything they like would be considered bad, depending on your own definition of bad.

What do you mean by "bad"? Seriously you have to explain something not just say it's bad, also it's their opinion and you can't change it.

Kids are allowed to like what they find likable, it's the nature of growing up.

That is unbelievable. How could anybody like things like this? It doesn't make sense

4 It's boring
5 They try too hard to be funny

They're kids, most of them don't even know when they're being funny.

6 It's irrelevant
7 It's scripted. The kids are actors and they pick kids who can actually act.

Their videos are 100% scripted. They say stuff like "Yay" or "Oh my gosh" without any emotion. Sure the teens might seem like they genuinely show their opinions, but that's only what it looks like when they are compared to the acting skills of 9-10 year olds.

I actually work for FineBros and I'm able to confirm this - most if not all reactions are scripted.

8 They do the same things over and over
9 The fact that there's a "special" Youtube channel for it

How else would they be able to show their videos besides a video sharing website like YouTube or Vimeo?

But there is a channel for like, every show.

10 The kids aren't smart

Does their brain affect anything about reacting? No. So if they are dumb, they are dumb. It doesn't change anything about it.

The Contenders
11 They let spoiled rich kids on

Actually, most of these kids live normal lives away from their jobs reacting to videos.

12 The kids are sometimes too young to know what they're talking about
13 The kids are annoying

So don't watch it then.

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