10 Worst Things About Online Porn
The Top Ten
1 Children can see it
People who watch it as a kid can think that it's perfectly ok to see it as kids, because they did. This distorted view is very dangerous
Well, obviously. You need a parental control software and the problem is gone.
Porn is the biggest killer of our innocence. And nothing is being done about this
2 Gives men the wrong expectations
3 Gives women the wrong expectations
4 People may prefer porn over their actual partner
5 Some participants may be forced or coerced
6 It can appear when you are not looking for it
When Pornographic game pops up on my computer, I'll ignore it.
7 It can be addictive
8 You can come across things you don't want to see
9 It leaves nothing to the imagination
10 It's not always guaranteed that the participants are of a legal age
The Contenders
11 It is a sin
12 It's disgusting
13 The images don't leave your mind
14 It's only a force of lust, not love
This is my number 1 reason why I hate porn. I love sex but I also hate the forces of lust for the scams of it. It's even a sin too.
15 It is in ads
16 People make money off of it
17 The acting is terrible
18 It's not cool
19 It causes body image issues
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