Top 10 Best iPhone Autocorrect Substitution Pranks

Apple iPhones have a handy feature where you can add autocorrect shortcuts that will automatically substitute one word or phrase for another. So if for some crazy reason you find yourself frequently typing the name Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, you can add a shortcut that automatically changes apu to the full name.

Of course, as with any great power, it is up to you to decide whether to use it for good or evil. If you find yourself with access to someone else's iPhone, using it for evil sounds like so much more fun. A few well placed substitutions plus some effective prompts from you will certainly produce screenshot worthy text threads.
The Top Ten
1 Change "no" to "Hell yeah!"

Mom, will you give me $500 to go clothes shopping?

Mom: Hell yeah!

Sweet! Can we also get a puppy?

Mom: Hell yeah! What is happening? I meant to say Hell yeah! not hell yeah! Hell yeah! Hell yeah! What is going on?!

2 Change "Hi" to "I'm afraid I wet the bed again last night"


I'm afraid I wet the bed again last night

Uh, that sucks bro.

What!?! That's not what I typed. I said I'm afraid I wet the bed again last night! NOOO!

3 Change "love" to "love the idea of spreading rocky road ice cream all over"

Her: I love you, see you tomorrow.

Him: I love the idea of spreading rocky road ice cream all over you too.

Her: What?

4 Change "All good" to "I've got coronavirus"
5 Change "I'm working late today" to "I'm cheating on you"
6 Change "work" to "toil away in the ninth circle of Hell"

Q: Are you going to be able to join me at the gym this afternoon?

A: No, sorry. I have to toil away in the ninth circle of hell until 6:00 tonight.

7 Change [child's name] to "the bane of my existence and the reason for my alcoholism"

Do I need to pick up the bane of my existence and the reason for my alcoholism and Taylor from school today?

8 Change "home" to "that nasty strip club where Dad bought me my first lap dance"

Mom: Where are you?

Son: I'm at that nasty strip club where Dad bought me my first lap dance.


9 Change "hungry" to "in need of belly fuel to power your turbo farts"

Her: I'm thinking of starting dinner. How in need of belly fuel to power your farts are you?

Him: I'm at about a quarter tank, but thanks for asking.

10 Change "brb" to "Dude, I've totally got a turtle head poking out. I gotta go birth this turd before it's too late."
The Contenders
11 Change "lol" to "I kind of made a quick exhale through my nose because it was funny but not laugh out loud funny"
12 Change ";)" to "in case you couldn't tell because honestly you're sorta thick, that was sarcasm"
13 Change "smh" to "Wow you're dumb. Did you eat paint chips as a child?"
14 Change "ok" to "dealing with a pretty bad herpes flare-up"

How are you feeling today?

I'm dealing with a pretty bad herpes flare-up. How about you?

Better than you apparently.

15 Change "yes" to "does a one-legged duck swim in circles?"
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