Top 10 Lamest Dad Jokes

WARNING: This list includes incredibly lame and eye roll inducing jokes. Read at your own risk!
The Top Ten
1 Child: "I'm hungry" Dad: "Hey, hungry, I'm Dad"

If I ever become a dad, I'm never using these jokes.

Why did you name me this way?

Haha what the?

2 "I would tell a joke about pizza, but it's too cheesy."
3 "I gave away my dead batteries, free of charge"

Love this list!

4 "I had a joke about construction, but I'm still working on it"
5 Child: "Dad, did you get a haircut?" Dad: "No, I got them all cut."
6 "What is the perfect time to go see a dentist? At Tooth Dirty."

More like tooth hurty ;).

7 "What's the difference between pea soup and roast beef? You can roast beef but you can't pee soup."
8 "Did you hear about the Italian chef who recently died. He pasta way."

Man these are good and bad at the same time.

9 "What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe. Roberto."
10 "I'm really terrified of elevators. I'll be taking steps to avoid them."
The Contenders
11 "I used to own a paper shop but it folded"
12 "What do you call a Spanish man who's just left hospital? Manuel"
13 "Which month has 28 days? All of them!"

This one makes no sense whatsoever because February is the only month to have 28 days (Besides leap years in which they have 29).

January, March, May, July, August. October, and December all have 31 days, not 28.

April, June, September and November all have 30 days, not 28.

More importantly, it says "which MONTH has 28 days" which gives the impression that you're only supposed to give one month.

Overall, this one is flawed to the absolute limit. There's absolutely no value in this joke whatsoever and it is legitimately one of the worst Dad Jokes I've ever seen. You REALLY have to be on my bad side to be a 1/10 but this one absolutely EARNED it.

14 "I tried to make a living out of being a contortionist but I couldn't make ends meet."
15 "Who invented flip flops? Phillip Flop."
16 "How do you know if a joke becomes a dad joke? It becomes apparent."
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